Sunday, December 30, 2012

The Mars Project

The Mars Project

Happy New Year's, or almost. I've decided that I like my Martian setting enough to develop it further.  This will consist of several overlapping projects:

  • A Gaming Table: I'm working on a table for them to fight over.  I've already posted some pictures from this part of the project.
  • Miniatures: I've already begun to collect and paint some proof-of-concept army forces.  My goal is to bash together some forces from existing plastic and metal miniature lines with a minimum of work.  I'll show my work as I go along.  Right now, I'm working on the Colonists and the Free Humans.  Next up will be the Brutes, followed (eventually) by the Ancients. I'm beginning by making some basic infantry squads, then I'll add some vehicles. 
  • Not really a face.
  • Rules Development: With a background in mind, I can develop core rules, army rules and setting simultaneously. I think this will help me focus, and provide practical problems to focus on. Hopefully, it will be easier than devising rules in a vacuum, and it will let me explore play balance and faction design.
So that's my plan for the next couple of months. I may also move from a twice-a-week to a weekly format, depending on how quickly things move to postable states.

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