The Brute Force Book will introduce different Sizes of Brutes. The player will pick a Size category representing the majority species in their Force. Their Core units will consist mostly of models of this Size.
- Small Brutes will be roughly human sized, and have no extra Toughness.
- Brutes will be a bit larger than humans, and have Toughness 2.
- Large Brutes will be a lot larger than humans (think Ogre-sized) and have Toughness 3.
There may be other models mixed in here and there, representing other species in the tribe. Support Units may be of any Size, representing allies.
The previous two force books featured Quality rankings for troops. In the Colonies and Free Cities, units share a standard organization, but vary in their level of Skill and Leadership. So Infantry or Cavalry may be untrained militia or elite veterans, based on the same list entry.
The Brutes will use Quality differently than the Colonies or the Free Cities. For the Brutes, Quality will largely be determined by the role troops play in the tribe. Most tribes spend the majority of their time foraging or hunting. They may have a retinue around their leader, but have no other standing army. Most Brute combatants can be characterized as:
- Unbloodied: The Unbloodied are young Brutes who have not yet tasted battle. They will have Skill 1 and Leadership 4+.
- Warrior: Warriors are ordinary adult tribe members. They will have Skill 2 and Leadership 3+.
- Kinguard: The Kinguard are a dedicated retinue of full-time fighters and nobles who accompany the leader and provide a core of leadership and striking power. They will have Skill 3 and Leadership 3+.
Brute Units will typically have a fixed Quality rating, but a variable Size rating. Most units will be rated as Warriors, and only a few will have the option of upgrading to Kinguard or downgrading to Unbloodied.
A typical Brute has a RoF 1/1/.5 rifle and a RoA of 3. This means they are much deadlier in hand to hand than in shooting, and suffer little penalty for moving. With a high average Leadership, they will be difficult to Suppress and will rally quickly.
As a Horde army, most Brute Units will be large, with a base size of 15 or 20 models, and the option to upgrade even larger, or to add Brutes of different sizes to the unit.
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