A post I made over at www.bolterandchainsword.com. I thought it might also be of interest here:
I think it's clear something fundamental has changed about 40k in the
last few years. I see several developments coming together, many of
them driven (I think) by new publishing and manufacturing technology:
1) There are now really big impressive plastic kits. This puts
larger (and maybe goofier) models on the table in large numbers. Old
Heavy Support options are now outclassed by Knights, Lord of War and so
forth. The scale feels even more like a short-ranged cage match.
2) There are now a zillion books, which GW can publish at will. I
think this is a consequence of electronic publishing and print on
demand. But now every release gets a Codex, a Supplement, and some Data
Sheets. We are seeing Campaig Supplements in large numbers.
3) The publishing scale is now so fast, and the prices so high, that I
am now only buying books for the factions that really interest me.
I've had to give up on owning and reading everything.
4) The structure of armies is now very open. Between multiple FoC
variants and Formations and Unbound, people can take pretty
anything they want in any combination.
4) As a consequence, the game is no longer a (relatively) limited set
of rules and codices, in which it is possible or desirable to try to
push the system for maximum competitiveness. I don't know if it ever
was, actually, but as codices and models proliferate, top-end
competitive army become ever more gimmicky and ridiculous.
Now whether these developments are good or bad depends I guess on
your perspective. But I have found that my enjoyment of the game
greatly increased once i just stopped worrying about trying to make a
single list, suitable for all opponents, that I could play upon walking
into a store. I now play more or less what I want, and in our league, I
try to find games that are not crazy-competitive. If I do happen to
pair up with someone who has a super-nasty army, I just let them crush
me, and aim for some smaller goal. (" I will kill your Knight/Daemon
Prince/Character before I die.") Then I try to find someone else to
play. If they are obnoxious I think nasty thoughts at them. I would
never go to a tournament now. I do not invest any ego in winning or
So I still enjoy playing, but it's a different sort of game,
environment, and goal for me now. The new environment has some cool
looking stuff in it, like Knights. i love the world and background. I
enjoy painting. Most games are quite fun. But I've given up any
pretense of 40k being a controlled competitive environment, rather than a
casual game which I play largely for aesthetic reasons.
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