The player whose turn it is selects a unit to shoot.
Each model in the unit may select a different target.
Targets must be within range and line of site of the shooting model.
Models may not normally shoot through friendly models. However, a friendly model may voluntarily forgo shooting in order to allow another friendly model to trace line of sight though its base. We will call this Lying Down.
Models may shoot through enemy models, provided line of sight is not completely obscured. The target models will count as being concealed and in soft cover.
Models within Firefight distance of an enemy may not shoot in the shooting phase. (They will shoot in the firefight phase.) They may not Lie Down in the Shooting Phase.
All shooting is resolved one friendly unit at a time.
At the end of the Shooting phase, apply Suppression and test Leadership for all relevant units, friend or foe.
Geek Notes
Again, these are pretty standard shooting rules for casual wargaming. They are closer to Flames of War than Warhammer 40k. In particular, I have allowed individual models to target different units. I find this makes a lot of sense. I have limited friendly units from firing through each other freely, which prevents any amount of silly "screening" shenanigans.