A unit is Suppressed if in any single Phase, it takes a number of Wounds equal to the number of models it contains. This is checked before any casualties are removed or Cover Saves are rolled.
A Suppressed unit fights less effectively.
- It fires at -2 to-Hit in the Shooting and Firefight phases.
- A Suppressed unit may not charge into Assault. Once in assault, it fights normally.
Geek Note
Many Wounds fail to remove a model, because of cover saves, so Suppression is often more important than actual casualties.
Most models will have an RoF of 2. Against a target of equal Ranged Skill, in the open, it will require a 4+ to Hit. With no advantages or disadvantages, its weapon will Wound on a 2+. This means that evenly matched units in the open will Suppress each other slightly less than 50% of the time. It also means that as a unit becomes larger, better skilled or better-equipped, it will be harder to Suppress.
It also means that units will not easily be Suppressed by weapons which cannot hurt them effectively. So elite, armored Space Marines will wade blithely through lasgun fire, Death Robots won’t care about Sherman tanks, and so forth.
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